94649 94782
Mon-Sat 9am-7pm
During a Seculabs Penetration Test we combine both manual and automated techniques including Firewall Penetration Testing using penetration testing software to help ensure your sensitive data is properly protected and that compliance requirements are being met. Pen Testing Methodology has been developed over thousands of penetration tests. After conducting a penetration test we provide a comprehensive NDA report telling you exactly where your vulnerabilities are and how to secure your business against real attacks. These reports are popular as non-technical senior managers will understand the recommendations outlined in the testing overview while the detailed technical feedback included in the report will be immediately actionable by your IT and security, saving you time and money. We are also always on hand to provide consultation after the penetration testing engagement is complete.
At Seculabs, our penetration testing services provide a full complete view of the IT infrastructure security. Testing will typically be performed from a number of network access points, representing each logical and physical segment. Testing is conducted with the help of automated scanners, scripts against the application. We use following approach:-